oh boy, a new year.

saturday was emily's bridal shower (very fun, there was even a belly dancer!). r agreed to "watch" parker while my mom and i went and i lined up my dad and maria to watch mr. baby. at 3.45 r comes over (early this time, and without calling) to take p up to his parents house for dinner and playing (but really so he doesn't have to watch her- his mom and sister would do that). i get parker a bag packed and walk out to the car with them. r starts to get her buckled into her seat and she begins to freak out (a la: "mama, i want mama! i don't want to go with you! i want mama. NO! NO! NO! mama!). she was hysterical, crying, begging not to go. we tried to reassure her that she'd have fun and if she didn't she could come home and stay with 'renzo and papa and maria. she didn't buy it. r got visibly more angry (at who? i dunno) and yelled at p some about why wouldn't she come. he tried to get me to just slam the door and let her scream but i just couldn't do that to her. she arched her back and tried to unbuckle her seatbelt and reached for me. finally r got her out and she came running over to me. i sent her in the house to my dad and stood and talked to r. he seemed nuts, seriously not right in the head (trust me people i have a psych degree.) he came in the house and held 'renz and i got ready for my party. when i left r and baby were asleep on the couch, parker was playing very happily with maria, and dad was doing sudorku at the kitchen table.

apparently after i left 'renzo woke up, very pissed. and he screamed for most of the time i was gone and my dad had to coach r in proper 'renzo care (try turning on the vaccuum. try putting him down and playing with him. how about a bath?) it was apparently all very awkward. mom and i came home from the party early, r passes the baby too me, strips out of his clothes, puts on clean ones out of our closet, goes into our bathroom and brushes his teeth and snarls at me for a few minutes. he couldn't understand that i might have found a bridal shower a little difficult. i asked him what he was doing. going to a party and oh by the way, he left his dirty boxers in our bathroom. could he come over early so i could get some sleep? no, he was sleeping in! he only gets two hours of sleep a night! did i mention that i have been solely responsible for OUR children for the last 864 HOURS (that's 36 days)? did i mention i'm fucking TIRED and need a break? NO?! HE'S TIRED??? i seriously considered cutting all his precious ties in half and throwing his shit out in the driveway, 'cause yeah, it's all still here.

anyway, he stormed out, went to his fucking party, slept in and called me at the butt-crack of 1pm yesterday. the kids and i were over at my dad's house. he came over (apparently to toss parker around in the air and pass off the baby). he was sweet as pie. totally normal. i stayed in the bathroom with him while he got his work clothes on. i mentioned that mabe next year we could spend new year's together. he smiled and didn't say "no, we'll be divorced then." he let me help him with his vest. he noticed i had a cold. he very tenderly pulled a thread out of my sweater so that he could zip it up for me. he left for work and i cried because i still want him to come home to us. at 7 he called to say goodnight to parker. she didn't want to talk so he told me to tell her goodnight and he loved her and he would see her tomorrow. i'm gun-shy. i told her "daddy said goodnight and he loves you." good thinking on my part.

he called today at 2pm, having just gotten up. he's run out of time to see the kids today, he guessed he'd see them tomorrow...