too hot to blog

ugh. it's 80 degrees in the house (89 outside) but for some reason i'm having a personal standoff with the air conditioner. as in, i'm cheap and i'd rather complain about the heat.

the last few days have been busy-ish. tuesday was will's high school graduation and party. we had a nice time over at my dad's house and parker got to play with a few kids close to her age. we also got to meet the baby (3 mos) of one of will's friends (a single 18 year old girl with no family and very little help). r spent a lot of time holding the baby and parker got to practice her big sister skills! we were both very proud of her, she wasn't jealous at all. we'll see how she does with a baby doesn't go home!

yesterday emily and my mom and i decorated (iron on's and tie-dye) shirts for parker and mr. baby. they turned out awesome. we're doing more this evening and i'll post some pics later. em, mom, meme, parker and i also had a nice dinner out at mongolian bbq where parker ate the hugest bowl ever of noodles, broccoli and rice.