35 weeks & a shower!

thank you to my wonderful friends and family who threw me a fantastic baby shower yesterday. it was so nice to have a chance to visit. everyone contributed a bead (or several) for my birthing/nursing necklace and just as i had hoped, there's an amazing spectrum of colors, shapes, textures, etc. i'll post a picture of the necklace when i've got it all strung up! i also got lots of adorible baby clothes & blankets which you'll all get to see on mr. baby sometime soon!!!

speaking of mr. baby: my book says he's about 5.5 pounds and 20.25 inches long but i'm guessing he's a little smaller. i had an appointment today with my backup practitioner (that fantastic ob). everything looks/sounds good and he had me schedule an appointment for four weeks from now. by my calculations that's july 11th. i may not even be pregnant anymore! according to rosanna she can deliver me anytime after 36.5 weeks. if i go into labor earlier (like this week) i'll have to go to the hospital. i'm keeping my legs crossed!

notice my outie bellybutton.