it's official...

i waddle now. and my thermostat is set 10 degrees above everyone else's. and i get huge swollen ankles if i walk for too long. and mr. baby baby seems to have something sharp that's he's jabbing into my cervix. but, the heartburn seems to have mellowed out.

yesterday i ventured to my first la leche league meeting. ("The LLLI mission is: To help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.") why why why did i wait so long!? as it turns out the meeting is in the library. the library. the one that is about a mile away. it was so wonderful to be with a group of people who don't think breastfeeding (or cosleeping or homebirthing or baby wearing) is weird! there were actually several nurslings older than parker. yay! i am definately going back next month. the meeting is on the 14th of july. i may be bringing BOTH of my nurslings!