another reminder to see the al gore film and visit the climate crisis website! r is doing his part by riding his bike to and from work!
now that that's outta the way: i am 37 weeks pregnant. mr. baby is welcome to come anytime now (but he may not be here for another 5 weeks). according to my book (which we all know predicts nothing) the average baby is about 6.5lbs. and 21 inches at this stage. parker was born about a week early (39 weeks) and weighed 6lbs. 10oz. and was about 19 inches long. so, who really knows? i'm starting to feel more intense braxton hicks contractions but nothing regular yet. i'm doing my best to stay cool, hydrated, and not swollen!

here is miss p showing off one of her manymanymany preschool art projects!
now that that's outta the way: i am 37 weeks pregnant. mr. baby is welcome to come anytime now (but he may not be here for another 5 weeks). according to my book (which we all know predicts nothing) the average baby is about 6.5lbs. and 21 inches at this stage. parker was born about a week early (39 weeks) and weighed 6lbs. 10oz. and was about 19 inches long. so, who really knows? i'm starting to feel more intense braxton hicks contractions but nothing regular yet. i'm doing my best to stay cool, hydrated, and not swollen!

here is miss p showing off one of her manymanymany preschool art projects!