33 weeks...holy heartburn batman!

mr. baby is weighing in at about 4.4 pounds and measures 19.4ish inches from head to toe. he's in the head down position but still flips a lot from side to side, especially when i go swimming. he's a pokey little thing like parker was, all elbows, knees and heels! i've gained about 30 pounds and have between 5 (holymotherofgod) and 9 weeks left! at this point i'm hoping it's just 5 or 6!

(yes, i got my hair chopped!)

as r says, my stomach is in my throat and it's causing terrible heartburn. even after i eat things like toast or yogurt. also, i can't lay on my back anymore because it makes my legs fall asleep. other than that, i'm feeling pretty okay!