10 weeks and a very sick boo.

so, i'm 10 weeks today but i'll have to post the picture a little later...

parker is really sick, we're not sure what with. she was in a great mood yesterday, skipped her nap, and fell asleep early, at about 9.30-ish. i didn't want to put her in the car so we stayed at my mom's house. i took parker to bed with me and r stayed up to watch tv. p of course woke up and wanted to play but we stayed in bed and read. by about 12 she was almost asleep again at which point she barfed all over me and the bed. she continued to barf at least once an hour (but generally way more) until about 9 this morning. the poor baby can't even nurse or sip water without throwing up. right now she's munching ice chips and watching 'march of the penguins' for the second time. at least she's smiling and not puking.

***UPDATE 9PM***

the puking has slowed some and p was able to nap for a couple of long stretches today. she woke up when r came home from work with dinner and insisted on eating french fries (yikes!). so far we haven't seen the fries but i'm a little pessimistic at this point!