oh yes, they do. they live in p's hair. they live in the bedsheets. they live in the puke towel. the good news is that they had a chance to digest ALL night. no puking until 10AM today and now she seems to be feeling fairly okay.
***UPDATE 12.15PM***
well everyone...we have moved to what i'd like to call phase two: diarrhea. yes! and in case you're wondering, i don't think any french fries made it through phase one. thank god.
***UPDATE 4.45PM***
miss p was feeling well enough to go for a walk in her stroller. we went to the new dog park and watched the 'pups' play and then went and chased pigeons. when we got home i made her a banana shake and she had a few sips. she's sleeping peacefully now. no barfing or diarrhea in the past several hours. *fingers crossed*
***UPDATE 12.15PM***
well everyone...we have moved to what i'd like to call phase two: diarrhea. yes! and in case you're wondering, i don't think any french fries made it through phase one. thank god.
***UPDATE 4.45PM***
miss p was feeling well enough to go for a walk in her stroller. we went to the new dog park and watched the 'pups' play and then went and chased pigeons. when we got home i made her a banana shake and she had a few sips. she's sleeping peacefully now. no barfing or diarrhea in the past several hours. *fingers crossed*