UPDATE (11.35pm)

well, the quick strep culture is negative so i didn't get any antibiotics. the doctor prescribed cough syrup (? i don't have a cough), sour candy for my sore throat, and tylenol. still waiting to hear from the lab about the other culture. regardless, i feel like crap.

i wish r were here to take care of parker. she won't go to sleep and all i want is a bath. she's doing this new thing where she says "mama, mama, mama, MAMA, mom, mom, mom, mama, mama, MAMAMAMAMA!" it was cute the first 492 times she did it today, but now i'm really freaking tired. my tactic at the moment (since responding doesn't seem to make a difference) is to ignore it in the hopes that the behavior will extinguish itself.

5 minutes later: oh my god, i think she may be falling asleep alone on the bed [i'm about 10 feet away]. this has NEVER happened.

2 minutes later: holy crap...she's asleep. now all i feel is guilty for ignoring her. :o( parker is a bright, happy, energetic, well adjusted, totally loved little girl and on days like today i feel like r is 85% responsible for it... if she stops nursing to sleep, then what? what is my part then?

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