
not much to post about in the last couple of days. we've been running errands (i had to get some stuff for our trip) and baisically making nothing take all day long. the biggest excitement has been getting some polo shirts for r. he loves polo shirts all the sudden but really loves the hunt even more. we go to second-hand stores and try to find the ones that make no sense for him ("dartmouth marching band 1999-2000" or "walmart/paul" or "theta cappa betta ucsb"). in other exciting news i went and bought a new curling iron that i can take to sicily; it is dual wattage so it won't blow up when i plug it in. a wattage converter was going to be $50 or something ridiculous like that. oh, also, i have an appointment to get my teeth cleaned tomorrow! woo-hoo! actually, i love getting my teeth cleaned as long as i have the nice hygenist. the mean one makes my gums bleed. (what is it with them trying to talk to you when they have their hands down your throat? her: oh when did you graduate? me: juarrrgpth her: that's great! what was your major again? me: psyggglrgey *cough*)

k, bedtime. g'night!

one more thing: can i just say "holy mother of god!" have you seen this? FOUR DOLLARS? we won't be able to fill up! unfreakin'-believable!

g'night for real now.