i'm on another rampage of purging stuff from the house. after cleaning out the kids' closet i scavenged in my giant cd collection. i pulled out about 25 cds to get rid of. i also wound up with a stack of rewritable cds that were unlabeled and needing to be identified. i found several discs with downloads from napster (remember when they starting blocking it in college dorms?), shitty mixes given to me by who knows who, an extremely boring powerpoint presentation i had to do for an extremely boring occupational psychology course, old creative writing documents, and finally, an essay titled 'inspiration' that bk wrote during college. if i ever read the paper i don't remember it; it didn't feel familiar to me.
part of me would like to publish this paper in its entirety but since it isn't mine and i can't properly credit it, i won't. the gist is that bk and i ran a marathon with the leukemia and lymphoma society after i finished treatment, how my will to survive inspired him, how he pushed on during the last five miles knowing i was just a little behind him. i'm struck by a few things reading this: 1) apparently i DIDN'T read it; it clearly hasn't been proofread for grammatical errors ;) 2) there is a tone of deep friendship in this paper, even when talking about us being married i can't find any romantic love; we were such good friends, not the best partners 3) a single sentence stands out - celeste helped me survive her illness - because it sums up so perfectly our relationship, who we each were as individuals, so intertwined in our own version of codependency.
part of me would like to publish this paper in its entirety but since it isn't mine and i can't properly credit it, i won't. the gist is that bk and i ran a marathon with the leukemia and lymphoma society after i finished treatment, how my will to survive inspired him, how he pushed on during the last five miles knowing i was just a little behind him. i'm struck by a few things reading this: 1) apparently i DIDN'T read it; it clearly hasn't been proofread for grammatical errors ;) 2) there is a tone of deep friendship in this paper, even when talking about us being married i can't find any romantic love; we were such good friends, not the best partners 3) a single sentence stands out - celeste helped me survive her illness - because it sums up so perfectly our relationship, who we each were as individuals, so intertwined in our own version of codependency.
bonus question: i'm sure there are mountains of relics with items like this cd waiting for me in the storage unit. i've thrown some things away (my wedding dress) and i'm holding on to others for the kids (my wedding band). what do you save? what do you throw out from past relationships? for yourself? your children?