the dreaded wait and watch

there are cell changes that don't indicate an immediate need to do anything (for six months). *le sigh* this is the answer (among others) i wasn't hoping for (though certainly much better news than some). nothing definitive and therefore no clear plan of action (A: there are no changes and therefore nothing to do. B: these are the changes which require these actions). gah. in any case, i'm taking my oncologist's advice and being a squeaky wheel. i can expect another call from my ob/gyn by thursday as it was the PA that called me and apparently she hadn't reminded him that i have a history of cancer and am not concerned about future fertility. she did admit that in the past, treatment was aggressive and contributed to issues with women carrying babies. oy. just remove the damn cells. i care about the kids i have not the kids i'm not planning to have in the future.