end of an era

i'd forgotten how much i enjoy my kiddos, how well they get along with each other, and how adept i am at loading them up and getting stuff done. the sense of relief and freedom i've felt this week to just do and be is incredible. we've been riding the bike to mcglincy so i can check the chocoate in the mornings and today we actually got to the park after nap time. i'm SO much less stressed.

parker is turning into a girl and it's an awesome thing to behold. she's funny and THIS CLOSE to reading/writing. she's learning stuff at preschool and bringing it back home with her. 'hey mama, this house sure has a lot of things that are circles... those plates, the balls!' i think five is going to be my favorite age yet. she's seeming way more secure than i've seen her in a while. she asks me every morning if it's a school day and goes off happily. 'i made another new friend today!' same with soccer. she's super close to d and goes apeshit when she sees him drive up after work. i think she's settled into this new routine with her dad. monday's the day and she hasn't really fought about going lately.

and then there's mr. baby. yeah, this morning he got up, took his night time diaper off, sat on the toilet and pooped, and then called to me 'meee, weeeent biiiiiig poooo-poooo!' just like that, in a week and a half the kid is daytime potty learned. i went through his clothes today and pulled out all the 2t stuff; he's now fully in 3t. he's grown a sense of humor and thinks it's hilarious to call d a 'poo poo head.' he's only nursing every three days or so, at naptime. i have such a skewed view of nursing that i think he's weaning WAY early (p finally weaned at what... three and a half?) but sheesh, i've been nursing one (or two) kids for almost FIVE years. i think this'll be an exciting new phase for our family.

okay, enough corny. i'm about to barf in my own lap.