hear ye hear ye

very busy day:

  • finished the business plan
  • answered the insurance lady's questions
  • answered about 20 emails/facebook mails (talked to my long lost step-sister!)
  • moved all the equipment into the space
  • finished the BETA packaging & messed around with labels
  • packaged addressed a few sale orders to be mailed out in the morning
  • learned how to load brioso font into word (got bless the internet)
  • enjoyed d's (occasional) domestic inclinations, thank you pasta dinner at 9pm! thank you bathing aforementioned pasta dinner off lorenzo, brushing his teeth, tucking both kids into bed - i'd cry happy tears if i wasn't so emotionally dead inside
  • volunteered to work on the 'no on prop 8' campaign (more on that later)
  • volunteered to be an honoree for team in training, after a 5 year hiatus (more on that later)

tomorrow, with a little help from my cooperative short-people friends (the kids) i will write a much more interesting post on the following:

  1. why morgan hill seemed very much like the deep and stereotypical south
  2. things i have observed about relationships wherein one person is very passive and the other person is . . . not
  3. what i wish someone had told me at the beginning of the 'ordeal'
  4. this is me waving to b.d. & j.j. =)
  5. something else that i just forgot