'the formal definition of a bum is any no-good, low-down, triflin' man.'

so yeah, b and i decided to take my dad on as a third partner in the business. there is so much stuff to do and we're going to ramp up our goals (process and pour 50 pounds of chocolate a week). we had our first meeting today, set a bunch of stuff to do before next monday, and finalized some things that b and i had been procrastinating/sitting on the fence about. we have about 25 pounds ready to go (some AWESOME sugared coconut haystack things, toasted/sugared almond bars, pinenut-buttery-yumness, and a nib/sugared ginger/currant power bar thingie, among other things). we're really trying to hold off on selling this stuff until the website is up (SO close, lovin' amy) and our insurance policy is settled (meeting next friday). i'm going to start working on a FAQ section for the website this week so please send me your burning questions via the comments section or via email.

so far we get a lot of:
is your chocolate vegan?
what does 'live' chocolate mean?
what's a nib?

okay, trying to get 8 more test questions written today. bb a little later.