my mom made the very difficult and brave decision to have her sweet little p.c. (pretty cat or peace) euthanized this afternoon. she was diagnosed with feline lymphoma a few weeks ago and her quality of life had been rapidly declining since she started treatment. her cancer was incurable and she had dropped to under four pounds. the vet was very kind and encouraged us (mom, the kids, and me) to be with p.c. while she passed, if we so desired. mom got to comfort her and parker did the sweetest job comforting my mom. (she's such an empathetic little girl and says that when people/animals die 'they get to do all the things they loved, just without their bodies.' her own philosophy...) i wound up taking 'renzo out of the room 'cause he was so squirmy and loud. anyway, we'll miss her, she was a good little kitty. she liked to fetch and to eat my mom's yarn and blankets and bananas. ;) she let mom and the kids feed her some ham right before we left to take her to the vet. we all got to pet her and say goodbye. may everyone's passing be so dignified and filled with love. sorry this is so disjointy and scattered (and now redundant).
you did the right thing mom. love you.
you did the right thing mom. love you.