so i expected (based on all the wisdom teeth weenies in my life ;) ) that this was going to be a lot worse. no swelling, very minimal discomfort (i've only had to take ibuprofin, none of the vicodin they gave me), mostly just sleepy. i'm trying to take it kind of easy on what i'm eating (i made the mistake of having some nice crunchy sourdough toast this morning *like, no duh*) but i'm getting pretty sick of scrambled eggs, soft cereal and ice cream. i'm NOT getting sick of yogurtland (thanks emmy!). that's right, a SELF-SERVE frozen yogurt bar with a dozen plus flavors, a fruit bar and, a candy/cereal/yummy stuff bar. all for 30 cents an ounce. check it out if you live in california or greenwich village, ny.
has anyone else seen fur: an imaginary portrait of diane arbus? it is a haunting and beautifully filmed and acted movie, starring robert downey junior and nicole kidman. for the record, i love rdj and think he is awesome in this movie. it's a worthwhile watch, just don't say i didn't warn you that it is sad and strange. (fyi diane arbus was 'an American photographer, noted for her portraits of people on the fringes of society, such as transvestites, dwarfs, giants, prostitutes, and ordinary citizens in unconventional poses and settings').
please say a little prayer or think some positive thoughts for my outlaws (and everyone else) who are near the fire in the santa cruz mountains. thankfully, when i talked to xmil she said the wind is going the other direction.

please say a little prayer or think some positive thoughts for my outlaws (and everyone else) who are near the fire in the santa cruz mountains. thankfully, when i talked to xmil she said the wind is going the other direction.