it must be nice

it must be nice to be able to afford to shop at whole foods. it must be nice to be able to eat fresh fruits and veggies on a regular basis. it must be nice to take long lunch so that you can pay a professional someone to cut and COLOR your hair into a jet-black faux-hawk. it must be nice to fuck us over month after month with no consequences. what's wrong is that i want to spit in your face and tell you that you're a loser but that i'm better than that.

your trunk was FULL of things that i want, that our children need. you've crippled me financially. i have $40 to make it through the rest of the month and i can't even get in touch with the food bank until monday. i can't concentrate or keep the kids at bay for long enough to grade for a few dollars an hour. don't tell parker she can spend the night at your house when i know goddamn well you don't have a bed for her, or room for her, or the ability to calm her during the night when she wants me. don't tell me our son needs a hair cut or that it's time to start potty-training him, like i'm somehow not living up to my responsibilites. don't ask me what's the matter, as if you give a crap. you don't. you are the last person on earth i feel like unloading on... fuck you.