'renzo has had the stomach ick for the last two days. i woke up to barf at four am this morning (less than 12 hours before we left for home). i managed to keep my cookies to myself on the plane but i'm not lovin' this. especially since bk told me he'd see the kids either tonight or tomorrow (no call tonight so i'm assuming...tomorrow?) and then offered to take miss p (only) so that i can 'rest.' because you know how easy it is to rest with a pukey/shitty 20 month old right? and ohbytheway, he'll be out of town (shall we place bets on where? my money is on hawaii!) from the 2nd to the 9th of march. because a man with $30k in credit card debt and $8k in arrears can totally afford to take a week off of work and go on vacation right? when's that karmic shit supposed to kick in by the way?