poem on no sleep

four am, chocolate everywhere
hamlet papers still undone (for shame)
the days are blurring the kids are growing
i am freaking exhausted - oh snap!
b says the couch smells funny
i say you smell funny
mike says speaking of japanese porn
we all say that's what she said
chocolate is ribboned and velumed
he loves me and when we are happy
we both get fat and still it's never enough
no it's never enough austin is in love
and we all dream the same dream -
being unable to open our lockers or
not being able to remember what's in there
baskets in the car
hamlet was meant to be an heir -
not hair not hare
we make a blur of the freeways
you make a blur of me
d buys the apples that she requested
i make it to parker's performance on time
gigi & popo & grammie & papa & 'renzo & b
we make a sloppy family but we have our pride
if libido is a litmus test i've hated him for years
waking the earth it lifts and lags