we got into it about money. i told him he needed to start being a stand up guy. "i am!" i told him he used to be but he isn't taking care of his kids and he's spending all his money on vacations and other bullshit like that. "i have almost $30k in debt." is this supposed to make me feel better or worse. how sad for you assface. i didn't really back down or anything even when he got a bit testy with me. what the hell do i have to lose right? on that note, the dcss papers came today! he should be getting his too. *gulp*
craaaaazy busy making chocolate gift baskets (i keep trying to remind us that this is a learning experience and not necessarily a big money making thing yet *ha!*) and grading hamlet papers. are kids dumber than they used to be or what?
more later.
craaaaazy busy making chocolate gift baskets (i keep trying to remind us that this is a learning experience and not necessarily a big money making thing yet *ha!*) and grading hamlet papers. are kids dumber than they used to be or what?
more later.