fits and starts

bk cancelled on the kids yesteday morning a mere fifteen minutes before he was supposed to pick them up. he was 75% asleep when he called (10.45) and said he "wasn't feeling well" and "needed some sleep." p was pretty disappointed but we made the most of the day and went to the park and she played over at my mom's for a while. she was pretty weepy this weekend and when pressed she says she's sad she didn't get to see daddy. sometimes i have a hard time telling if she's playing me (it does get my attention every time) or not. either way, she's been having a tough time the past couple of weeks.

last night i had a little gathering at my house with d, his son, meme and her boyfriend, j and his wife and of course my kiddos. it was so lovely to have that chaotic warmth in my home. it's been a long time since i've gotten to play hostess and i've never been at the forefront of the social sceme. this is the first time in my post-adolescent life that i've had friends of my own accord. what a full life i'm growing. what an incredible group of people.

today d and i took the three kids (you should see the looks we get from other people our age, ha!) to this cool organic farm that has all sorts of trails and animals. yes, it is november in california: 77 degrees and a splendid day to be outside. d's son gets along well with parker (he's 6) and they got to run some giggles out. i was tremendously excited to see the dozen tiny piglets that were born since the last time we visited. SO cute to see them all nursing on their big fat piggy mama.

tomorrow i was supposed to have mediation with r. he cancelled. i guess i'm meeting with my lawyer instead. $300 for the whole month of october (which is an improvement i suppose over the $200 i got in september). *rolls eyes* i think that is part of the reason he cancelled on the kids yesterday, i asked for money because i can't afford to pay my rent this month. more support. less choice about what i have to do...