it's like watching a dog stick its face in a fan

bk cancelled for tomorrow. *color me shocked*

from mdc because i'm a lazy bastard and don't want to rephrase this:

this morning i found out from parker that he had miss bk (the woman he left me for) over to MY HOUSE while i was gone. IN MY BEDROOM. WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. i don't even know how to confront him about this. what a giant invasion of my privacy.

i confronted him about it and thank g*d he didn't lie and compound the situation, though he did try to spin it...the reason miss bk was over at my house was to pick up their DOG that was also at my house (because they got in trouble at their apartment for it barfing/barking). "it was a logistical thing, she just stopped by to get the dog and parker invited her in to see her bedroom..." oh really? is that all? i told him he's not to come over/in without calling/knocking and he's certainly not to have anyone over without my permission. i told him it was a huge violation of my privacy and that i expect the same courtesy from him that i expect from everyone. NOT OK. what the heck is he thinking?