it was a day-ish day

so r came this morning for about an hour. blah blah blah. you know that story.

the kids and i went to a homebirth picnic that my midwife and doula put on every 3-6 months. it's always a great time. i love these two women like they are family and truly admire them (rosanna was the one who recommended bob to me). there's always a bunch of kids and it's held at a park so they can just run around and be crazy. the families are for the most part very like-minded so i can relax and not feel funny (not that i generally do) about homebirthing/co-sleeping/breastfeeding/non-circing/non-vaxing. crunchiness abounds but not so much that people don't bring goodies to the potluck. anyway, i offered to host the next get together here at the clubhouse since there isn't usually one during the winter due to cold and rainy weather.

and also, this is exciting: my dad started writing some different kinds of music and is doing stuff for the band he played with for a while. they do mostly r&b. anyway he gave me a cd with one of the songs on it and told me to write the lyrics. *blinks* it should be fun.