so about a month ago my dad quit his job (where b & the "ow" (i guess she's just the gf now) work and where r was fired from). he'd been there four years and said he felt like he'd been paroled on his last day. we did our little road trip up to washington and then when we got back he found a new job at a great little moroccan restaurant. the owners are very serious about the food and the service and it seems like a good fit. the downside (for me) is that they only serve dinner and that means my three times a week dinner-preparer-celeste-parker-lorenzo-babysitter isn't around so much in the evenings. it hasn't been terrible because now he's around in the morning instead. ha!
but anyway, it has really forced the dinner time issue for me. tonight the kids and i had eggs and cheese with sauteed zuchinni and mushrooms. i had to bribe lorenzo with chocolate (because now there is always chocolate in my house) to keep him off my leg while i cooked. parker ate three bites and jumped down to play, 'renzo ate until i thought he would pop (this kid can seriously pack it away), and i read because i can't put away that book i told you about a couple of nights ago. so it isn't gourmet and the conversation goes about like this:
me: more?
'renzo: gah! ("yes")
me: *give him several bites of egg to feed himself*
'renzo: *jams it all in his mouth*
me: more?
'renzo: gah!
and so on.
but anyway, it has really forced the dinner time issue for me. tonight the kids and i had eggs and cheese with sauteed zuchinni and mushrooms. i had to bribe lorenzo with chocolate (because now there is always chocolate in my house) to keep him off my leg while i cooked. parker ate three bites and jumped down to play, 'renzo ate until i thought he would pop (this kid can seriously pack it away), and i read because i can't put away that book i told you about a couple of nights ago. so it isn't gourmet and the conversation goes about like this:
me: more?
'renzo: gah! ("yes")
me: *give him several bites of egg to feed himself*
'renzo: *jams it all in his mouth*
me: more?
'renzo: gah!
and so on.