"the la leche girls are like the PETA girls"

*this* is the sound of my head exploding. elisabeth hasselbeck of the view strikes again with her brilliant commentary on breastfeeding. i'll post the transcript if it's available.

today is the beginning of world breastfeeding week. today is also the day that new york city hospitals stop sending mom's home with bags of formula. *thumbs up*
Instead, the new mothers will each be given a breast-milk bottle cooler, disposable nursing pads, breastfeeding tips and a baby T-shirt with the slogan “I Eat at Mom’s” emblazoned on the front. Breastfeeding coaches will accompany the mothers at bedside “to help initiate breastfeeding within one hour of delivery.” The hospital agency will also give out free breast pumps and make available hospital-grade electric breast pumps to mothers whose newborns have to remain in the hospital. -new york times

this is what started elisabeth's tizzy. of course she wants those stupid "new mom" bags of formula they give you at the hospital...she's a spokesmoron for bright beginnings (a formula company). maybe she's a little biased?

fwiw, the title quote was by joy behar and it wasn't really what upset me so much.