Always: going going going, nursing, wiping bottoms, vacuuming, boiling water
Average: me? never!
Annoyance: tardiness. *wags finger* seriously.
Age: middle 20 something-ish
Available: me? never!
Best Friends: in alphabetical order, amanda, austin, emily, forrest, mike
Beer: perhaps but i'll drink it slowly and wind up pouring out half because it's warm (sorry dad!)
Birthday: february, wish it wasn't so close to christmas
Boast: i pick up water sports (surfing, scuba, wake-boarding, swimming) immediately though i am quite unathletic
Crush: lorenzo's finger in the door and that cute guy that drives the FedEx truck in my neighborhood
Car: wrangler, worlds most inconvenient mom car
Candy: daaaark chocolate
Cry: usually when i least expect it, in the car, while gardening
Days: move slowly, weeks move quickly
Dream: to live near the ocean, have a private library, a salad bar in my house, and my sheets changed every other day
Dare: i always chose truth
Drug: chai, chocolate, literature
Easy: very little is
Eggs: any way you serve them
Email: compulsively
Envy: the ability to just pick up and go
Flavors: vanilla, chocolate, tomato & basil
Favorites: the beach in sicily, a good book, my gramma's gnocchis, my other grandma's sense of humor
Flaws: i'm a huge worrier
Finicky: no? yes? oh shit, i dunno. am i?
Grateful: for the roof over my head
Gifts: books not diamonds
Gum: whatever parker is done chewing
Gross: see: "gum"
Hair: does not define my femininity
Height: 5'6'' my legs reach the ground
Happiest: when my kids are laughing
Hate: to see my kids hurting
Ice Cream: the good stuff
Instrument: like a dental tool? um, i'd love to learn to play the cello
Idols: i hate this question
Independence: is a good thing
Jewelry: i'm trying to wear more often - five silver earrings including one teeny tiny hoop that i keep losing and finding
Jail: where they should keep the dead beats
Jenga: i loathe that game
Jammies: you mean the 70 gazillion tank tops i have from old navy?
Kids: are a lot of work but worth it
Karaoke: no way, no how, never
Kiss: ohdeargodyes
Longest: 8 months of my friggin' life
Love: sucks?
Life: is short
Lost: is a show i've never seen
Milk: breast milk for the baby, whole milk for p and me and dear god how much does wic think we drink?
Miss: companionship, trusting that people are who they say they are
Movies: i wish i got to see more of them
Memories: they are fading
Nails: trimmed short, toenails (mostly) always painted
No: smoking!
Name: celeste & i like mine, i've always kept my maiden too
Never: expected to be here
Ordinary: people is a good book
One phobia: losing or being unable to find things
Office: best show on tv
Primal urge: to crush the testes of anyone who hurts my kids
Personality: is overrated. ask my aunt karen. she got her's late. ;o)
Pain: doesn't last forever, it only seems that way during natural childbirth.
Quick or Slow: slow, can't do anything fast with a 3 year old!
Quest: to find peace and balance within myself.
Queer: sounds better when someone british says it.
Reason to cry: seeing the baby strapped to a papoose board
Reality TV: is the bane of my existence
Rage: yes, ocassionally
Regret: that you included "regret."
Song: whatever is on 3hive
Season: the one that is always just around the corner
Shoes: are overrated
Silly: my kids in the pool
Time you woke: 7.00 AM
Time now: 2.47 PM
Taste: is severely diminished by this frikkin' cold
Undress: clothes in a pile on the floor next to the bed
Unpredictable: i hate unpredictability
Unfortunate: lemony snicket
Unforgettable: that's what you are
Vegetables: fresh corn, zucchini
Virgin: does 8+ months count?
Vacation: ohdeargodyesplease
Voice: i wish i could sing and like how i sound in my head better than on the machine. does that make me self-centered?
Worst Habit: backing down
Wish: that things would be predictable
Waste: food, i'm bad
Wander: someday
X-Rated: movies? no. anais nin? yes. it's lit-rature dahling.
X-Rays: more than my fair share
X-Men: nope
X-marks the spot: johnny depp gonna be there?
Yes: isn't that a band?
Yellow: PEE!
Yearn: my heart beats doesn't it?
Zoo Animal: if you don't believe in evolution go stand in front of the gorillas for a while. look at their hands people.
Zodiac: i like the aries and leo! ta-da!
Zzzz: are you mocking me?
Always: going going going, nursing, wiping bottoms, vacuuming, boiling water
Average: me? never!
Annoyance: tardiness. *wags finger* seriously.
Age: middle 20 something-ish
Available: me? never!
Best Friends: in alphabetical order, amanda, austin, emily, forrest, mike
Beer: perhaps but i'll drink it slowly and wind up pouring out half because it's warm (sorry dad!)
Birthday: february, wish it wasn't so close to christmas
Boast: i pick up water sports (surfing, scuba, wake-boarding, swimming) immediately though i am quite unathletic
Crush: lorenzo's finger in the door and that cute guy that drives the FedEx truck in my neighborhood
Car: wrangler, worlds most inconvenient mom car
Candy: daaaark chocolate
Cry: usually when i least expect it, in the car, while gardening
Days: move slowly, weeks move quickly
Dream: to live near the ocean, have a private library, a salad bar in my house, and my sheets changed every other day
Dare: i always chose truth
Drug: chai, chocolate, literature
Easy: very little is
Eggs: any way you serve them
Email: compulsively
Envy: the ability to just pick up and go
Flavors: vanilla, chocolate, tomato & basil
Favorites: the beach in sicily, a good book, my gramma's gnocchis, my other grandma's sense of humor
Flaws: i'm a huge worrier
Finicky: no? yes? oh shit, i dunno. am i?
Grateful: for the roof over my head
Gifts: books not diamonds
Gum: whatever parker is done chewing
Gross: see: "gum"
Hair: does not define my femininity
Height: 5'6'' my legs reach the ground
Happiest: when my kids are laughing
Hate: to see my kids hurting
Ice Cream: the good stuff
Instrument: like a dental tool? um, i'd love to learn to play the cello
Idols: i hate this question
Independence: is a good thing
Jewelry: i'm trying to wear more often - five silver earrings including one teeny tiny hoop that i keep losing and finding
Jail: where they should keep the dead beats
Jenga: i loathe that game
Jammies: you mean the 70 gazillion tank tops i have from old navy?
Kids: are a lot of work but worth it
Karaoke: no way, no how, never
Kiss: ohdeargodyes
Longest: 8 months of my friggin' life
Love: sucks?
Life: is short
Lost: is a show i've never seen
Milk: breast milk for the baby, whole milk for p and me and dear god how much does wic think we drink?
Miss: companionship, trusting that people are who they say they are
Movies: i wish i got to see more of them
Memories: they are fading
Nails: trimmed short, toenails (mostly) always painted
No: smoking!
Name: celeste & i like mine, i've always kept my maiden too
Never: expected to be here
Ordinary: people is a good book
One phobia: losing or being unable to find things
Office: best show on tv
Primal urge: to crush the testes of anyone who hurts my kids
Personality: is overrated. ask my aunt karen. she got her's late. ;o)
Pain: doesn't last forever, it only seems that way during natural childbirth.
Quick or Slow: slow, can't do anything fast with a 3 year old!
Quest: to find peace and balance within myself.
Queer: sounds better when someone british says it.
Reason to cry: seeing the baby strapped to a papoose board
Reality TV: is the bane of my existence
Rage: yes, ocassionally
Regret: that you included "regret."
Song: whatever is on 3hive
Season: the one that is always just around the corner
Shoes: are overrated
Silly: my kids in the pool
Time you woke: 7.00 AM
Time now: 2.47 PM
Taste: is severely diminished by this frikkin' cold
Undress: clothes in a pile on the floor next to the bed
Unpredictable: i hate unpredictability
Unfortunate: lemony snicket
Unforgettable: that's what you are
Vegetables: fresh corn, zucchini
Virgin: does 8+ months count?
Vacation: ohdeargodyesplease
Voice: i wish i could sing and like how i sound in my head better than on the machine. does that make me self-centered?
Worst Habit: backing down
Wish: that things would be predictable
Waste: food, i'm bad
Wander: someday
X-Rated: movies? no. anais nin? yes. it's lit-rature dahling.
X-Rays: more than my fair share
X-Men: nope
X-marks the spot: johnny depp gonna be there?
Yes: isn't that a band?
Yellow: PEE!
Yearn: my heart beats doesn't it?
Zoo Animal: if you don't believe in evolution go stand in front of the gorillas for a while. look at their hands people.
Zodiac: i like the aries and leo! ta-da!
Zzzz: are you mocking me?