you. have. got. to. be. kidding. me.

attention mdc-ers this is a copy and paste...

he always pulls some crap right before i'm off to do something fun or on a holiday. i'm so SICK of being around.

this time it's about $$$. as you may know, we're meeting with the mediator next week. up until moments ago we were in agreement about everything. on paper he makes about $2000/month. in reality he makes $5500/month give or take. (he makes almost all his money in cash tips). we've agreed that he's going to give me between $2200 and $2800 a month.

he just called and told me that he's worried about getting audited by the irs and wants the mediator to calculate child/spousal support based on his pay stubs alone. but, not to worry, in reality he'll take care of us. give us all we need. just not on paper. right.

he tried to butter me up. he tried to intimidate me. he tried to ruffle me. he tried to upset me. i stayed very calm, kind and unemotional. i was not buttered. i was not intimidated. i was not ruffled. i was not (outwardly) upset.

does he just think i'm going to roll over and play dead?

i DO understand his concerns. i asked him to understand MY concerns. we'll see how is all plays out on wednesday.