i like my horoscope by phyllis this month so i'm posting it. 'cause you know, that's how i roll. *italics & bold mine*
baby, this IS plan b!
speaking of which. most of the session with bob today revolved around $$$. we're trying to work out our settlement agreement with his help. it's slow-going. r wants minimal details and i was MAXimal details. i'm talking, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g in writing. i feel good to be divorcing this shadow man, don't want to be married to him. though i'm still sad.
This month can be odd, but interesting for you. (Just the way you like it). Although the personal control you crave probably remains elusive, others will be so kind and attracted to you that you’ll end up getting what you want, albeit in surprising ways. In fact, your social energy gets stronger and stronger throughout May, making your love life sing and your friendships zing! And, yet, if there are any differences (of values or finances, likely) brewing between you and others, they’ll be exposed this month. As much as you want to trust your “people” it’s best to insure your contracts and agreements are solidified with well defined agreements and contracts. It might also behoove you prepare a “plan B” incase someone or something you’ve counted on dissolves in front of your very eyes. Watch for new contracts and opportunities for travel and education, especially May 17th on. Finances can perk up, too, but since you have a “wild card” aspect, deals can end as quickly as they start. So spend your bounty only after it actually lands in your bank account. Bottom line: Even if problems do pop up, you’ll have multiple solutions to resolve them to your liking. So enjoy the ride.
baby, this IS plan b!
speaking of which. most of the session with bob today revolved around $$$. we're trying to work out our settlement agreement with his help. it's slow-going. r wants minimal details and i was MAXimal details. i'm talking, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g in writing. i feel good to be divorcing this shadow man, don't want to be married to him. though i'm still sad.