(bust a) headway

yesterday r and i had our usual appointment with bob. we finished (!) our parenting agreement (all 36 pages) and settled on tentative monthly $upport for the kids and i. our next step is to go to the mediator i found and have everything submitted to the court. he's agreed to everything i've asked for in terms of the kids. i've checked and double checked because i really can't believe it. i asked if he is comfortable being the one who visits, not parents. i pointed out that i enrolled p in camp without asking him and that that wasn't really weird but that if HE had done that it would have been really weird. are you okay with the inequities of the situation? "yes." so i will raise them and you will be a part of it-but not like an overnight, routine sort of part? and that's okay? "yes."

okay. and wow. i still can't believe this is happening.