side effects include exercise

this morning the kids and i went to a la leche meeting, different week than we usually go to but mostly the same wonderful group of mamas and kids. we did the intros and i apparently introduced myself as celeste, single mom of parker and lorenzo. after the meeting another mom came up to me and said that her husband works nights and that sometimes she feels like a single mom. she wanted to know how i "do it." we chatted for a while...well, i don't really have a choice, i just sort of do it. i realized when i was in the car that i had gotten a little irritated at the comment. having a husband that works at night or long hours is not the same as being a single mom. knowing that at some point there will be another adult body in the house to hold the child while you pee makes all the difference in the world. there is something vaguely terrifying (and comforting? *scratches head*) about waking up in the middle of the night and knowing that if there is a fire it is my responsibility (and mine alone) to get the two kids, the two cats, and myself out of the house safely.

but i used to think that it was the same. my "situation" is forcing me to face the judgements and statements i have made in the past. *humbled* i might have made a comment like the one that the lady made to me. so, i didn't begrudge her the questions, 'cause you just don't know until you're there.

whew, so then we went over to the ymca to register! i filled out the forms and got my card and everything. THANK YOU YMCA and your wonderful donors. THANK YOU. seriously, having a gym membership is a privilege and we are so lucky.

Together, the nation's 2,617 YMCAs are the largest not-for-profit community service organization in America, working to meet the health and human service needs of 20.2 million men, women and children in 10,000 communities in the United States. YMCAs are at the heart of community life across the country: 42 million families and 72 million households are located within three miles of a YMCA.

Ys are for all people of all faiths, races, ages, abilities and incomes. YMCAs' financial assistance policies ensure that no one is turned away for reasons of inability to pay.

donate to or volunteer at your local ymca!

on the note of $$$: lots of you (fantastic wonderful lovely super-duper) mdc mamas have suggested that i set up a pay-pal account to help with some of the costs of p's therapy, camp, etc. my answer to that idea at this point is "i don't know." i was thinking about this in bed last night and doing some quick calculations. i think i'm not getting nearly as much money as i should be based on what i think r is making now, working two jobs. this is an issue i hope to explore further tomorrow with bob. if we HAVE the money i'm unwilling to accept help financially. but anyway, i'll keep ya'll posted.