march madness

today i got back in the playdate game. i met my friend emily (w/4 year-old elan and 8 month-old aria) at the library for storytime. then we had lunch at whole foods which was nice. we actually met at whole foods right after 'renzo was born and she was slinging aria and i was slinging mr. baby. we started talking and it turns out that she had a homebirth, doesn't vax, extended breastfeeds, cosleeps, yada yada yada. so anyway, we have a bunch in common. they're having us over for dinner next week.

this afternoon i had a consultation with a play therapist (ina) that i saw when i was 5. miss p is going through a real rough spot and she's got her first appointment with ina tomorrow (after the bob appointment). i have very positive memories of the sessions i had with her and when i walked into the room it was crazy to recognize something from so long ago. parker has been waking up crying for r during the night, freaking out (sobbing, shaking, telling me frantically that she loves me) over very small things, and generally not trusting in anything.