*runs out of clever titles*

so, the kids have both been sick for the past few days. just colds, but still. i have managed to avoid it but i think i have a breast infection. *boo*

yesterday the kids and i went back over to the ymca to talk to someone about financial aid. i have to get copies of our tax returns and write a letter explaining my situation. also, we went to the wic office way out in sj. it was depressing. the place had no windows and was at the end of this really loooooong corridor. the ceiling was dripping with condensation and there was nothing in the room for the kids to play with. it looks like i'll easily qualify but i have to go back for an orientation next monday before i get my food vouchers. i felt so weird like i was stealing from people who need these resources more. its hard to imagine that WE might need these resources. i couldn't believe some of the questions on the form. so sad.

what things other than food, does your child eat?

dirt : clay : carpet fibers : laundry starch : cigarette butts : paint chips : dust : ashes

what does your baby drink from a bottle?

water : water with sugar : water with honey : water with karo syrup : jell-o water : rice water : cereal : skim milk : lowfat milk : whole milk : hi-c/punch : soda : lemonade : juice : gatorade : coffee : tea : manzanilla/chamomile tea : pedialyte : breastmilk : formula

the kids and i are also learning how to use the bus around here. i had no idea there was a bus culture. me=sheltered. anyway, we rode from our house to my dad's house with no real trouble. it was nice to not have to strap 'renzo in a carseat and listen to him scream.

oh - the kids and i are going up to washington and will be up there from april 11th to april 24th. if any mdc mamas from the seattle/puget sound area want to get together or something please pm me! looking forward to another little escape and some time with family.