yesterday r came over at 8.30ish. he was in one of his depressed moods. he sat with his head in his hands and couldn't seem to hear me when i was talking to him. he wound up leaving because he was "not feeling well." at about 11.00 so he could go sleep. did i mention i'm sick? yeah. did i mention that 'renzo is sick? he left with an "i hope you feel better."

amanda was kind enough to help me for most of the day. then my dad (who is ALSO sick) came over to make soup and help me get the kids settled for the night. i got 'renzo down and parker was getting close to sleep when the cat came in the bedroom and puked ALL over. HUGE amount of puke. parker was all excited. "it's okay mama, you can clean it up." yup, it's MY job now cause daddy left. so i cleaned it up (with parker's direction of course) and then miss p accidentally put her hand/arm in another pile and freaked out. so loudly that she woke up her brother. so at 10.00 we all piled into the bathtub. it took an hour to get them both back to sleep. then at 12.00am lorenzo wakes up screaming bloody murder. i had to walk around the house with him for 20 minutes to get him back to sleep. then, an hour later, it happened again. and finally again this morning around 6. the middle time i rolled over to ask r if he could please take a turn. all i found was miss p sweating and snoring and a cat butt. *yawn*

r said he'd be over this morning between 10.30 and 11. he arrived at 11.15. *yawn* totally perky. a little manic even. he took the kids to the grocery store (asked me for some money which i wouldn't give to him, he had a wad of cash...) and then came back and made lunch. he took the kids over to the playground where i found him text-messaging his work buddy instead of playing with parker.

i had an appointment with my therapist today (1st time in a couple of weeks) and he asked if i needed him to watch the kids. i said i "wasn't counting on" him. my mom (SICK remember?) agreed to come over which was good because he said he had some errands before he went to work. errand? "yeah, a few stops. i need pants." oh? "yeah, i'm going to interview for some jobs." you have an interview? "no. not yet." *scratches head* then he tells me he's going to take his running shoes and slacks out of the closet. uh. ok. he tells me to "have fun" at my appointment and apparently decided to stay with my mom and the kids while i went. errands shmerrands.

to sum up, in the last month & a half:
i cleaned up cat puke.
i fed, bathed, clothed (RAISED) the children.
i took out the garbage and scooped the litter.
i took down the goddamn christmas tree down.
r tossed parker around in the air a few times.

*yay me!*