hell hath no fury

well. two nights ago i found the biggest box that i could (and so lucky it happened to be a carseat box) and crammed as much of r shit into as i could. this included the three sweaters, four belts, and two pairs of shoes that he left in the closet to taunt me. (seriously what other reason was there to leave these things when he took all the rest of his clothes?! none. the big jerk.) anyway, also included in the big box was his bedside table stuff, his EIGHT pairs of sunglasses, some keys (to what?), some books, his pda, his fly fishing pole, his pool stick, etc. ahhh. *sigh of relief* my closet is HUGE people. there is tons of storage under my bed! speaking of beds...do you know how much room there is in my bed (even with two little snuggle bugs)? positive people, i'm thinking positive.

and then what did i do with that goddamn box? i puuuuushed it out into the living room (the thing was way too cumbersome to carry. i'm serious the box was 3.5 feet tall). then my dad puuuuushed it out onto the porch. the next day when r came over i sat inside and laughed while he struggled to pick the goddamn thing up. the veins in his neck were popping out and everything. then, i laughed while he was trying to cram it in the backseat of the jeep (2 door wrangler folks). and gosh durn it. the fucking box wouldn't even fit in the back seat. he had to drag it around to the passenger side and put it on the seat next to him.