three months

lorenzo is three months old today. in some ways he seems so much older. he laughs and babbles and stands (with support of course) like a six month old. he also drools like a six month old which is odd. (someone told me that's 'cause he's a boy. um, okay.) he absolutely adores his big sister and follows her around the room with his gaze. he seems to have some allergies to foods through my milk so an exciting new addition to my blog will be a food/behavior log! yippie right?

today my mom called me a bitch (don't ask, it was all in good fun) but parker thought that she was talking to her (p). so she turned to my mom and said, "i'm not a bitch, i'm parker!" what a goof. but a sweet goof. she adores 'renzo as much as he does her. she is so into babies and families and nurturing right now. the other day in target she had to stop eating her cookie so that she could nurse her baby doll. if she doesn't have one of her many babies with her she improvises with whatever is around: sticks, crayons, chicken bones... she makes little families and "friends." and she's got a sense of humor about it too. when we were up in washington she had two green colored pencils. the bigger one was the mama and the littler one was the baby. the baby asked the mama to pick her up and parker made a mama voice to say, "i can't pick you up, i have no arms!" hahaha. we thought that was pretty clever.

lorenzo has his papa vince's hairline at three months!

parker had einstein's hairline at three months?

my lord, can you tell the size difference between the two?!