ode to breastfeeding

i have been nursing continuously (with no more than a 12 hour break) for the last 969 days. holy moly. i've been frusterated, in pain, annoyed, really really annoyed, joyful, content, but mostly in love with it. it's the right thing to do (physically, emotionally and spiritually) and i'm happy that i have been able to give this lifelong gift to my children. and that they've given this lifelong gift to me.

among other books, i am currently reading adventures in tandem nursing: breastfeeding during pregnancy and beyond, by hilary flower. while i completely understand that this isn't the route for everyone, this book will be valuable to anyone considering nursing even *just* one baby!

here are a couple of my favorite quotes so far:

from a biological perspective, breastfeeding is to early childhood development what the umbilical cord is to the fetal months.

when a woman feels good in her body, she can mother from a place of contentment and wellness.

and finally:

some mothers spend the night turning back and forth to nurse two children alternately through the night. "rotisserie nursing" [one mother calls it].

a story that is worth sharing from our washington trip: my cousin mechel and i ran out to the store to pick up some stuff one afternoon. we left the kids with their daddies. this was the first time i had left lorenzo for more than two minutes. anyway our outing took longer than expected and when we arrived back at my cousin alison's she came running up to me and said: "we had a first while you were gone!" apparently 'renzo got hungry while i was out and r didn't know what to do. he said in passing to alison, "this kid need a boobie!" my fantastic cousin (who is still nursing her two year old) offered up hers! and 'renzo took it, no problem. i was so thrilled that they didn't just let the poor child cry. nino, alison's son was a little unsure however... lol incidently, this is how my grandpa tony survived infancy. he had a milk cousin!