one week!'s going so fast again! i can't believe mr. baby is already one week old. here's the rundown on how we're all doing:

'renzo: he's mellow. very mellow. i thought parker was an easy baby; this one is a dream come true. he nurses, he sleeps, he poops. and then he does it again. sometimes he gets the hiccups. sometimes he enjoys listening to johnny cash (his favorite song is "walk the line"). sometimes he likes r to bounce him on the exercise ball. he nurses a lot during the day but gives me a couple of nice long stretches of sleep at night. he is already gaining back the weight he lost after birth. our wonderful pediatrician did a home visit on tuesday and said that he is one of the healthiest babies she's seen in a very long time. so he's just all around fantastic! it feels like he's always been here.

miss p: i am so so so proud of her. she has adjusted incredibly well and been so wonderful to "her" baby. she's very maternal and affectionate towards 'renzo and most of the time is very gentle. she's shown no jealousy (which is honestly a surprise) and the only notable change in her is that she's wanting to nurse a bunch but she's understanding that brother gets to go first, etc. she's already learned to sleep through any midnight crying the baby may do (usually is that she wants to nurse extra. that said, she's being very understanding that he gets to nurse due to a poopy dipe). she suddenly seems so capable and mature. i love that rascal so much.

me: i have the breasts of a porn star, my tummy is already almost flat, my crotch doesn't hurt, and i'm not depressed! i love my family. i love my midwife and her assistant. i love homebirth. boy, do i love homebirth!

r: he claimed to be nervous about taking care of a newborn again. bah! this man is a pro. he's the best daddy in the world. maybe a little antsy to get back to work, but the best daddy in the world.

baby's first ride on lightrail

miss p doing something dangerous