so. brother has been just generally delightful and nearly perfect in every way. and then..*cue scary music* we got thrush. (thrush is a yeast infection of the mouth/breasts). in baby it translates to white patches on the tongue and gassiness. in the breasts it's supposed to be reallllly painful. thankfully, i'm not experiencing any pain, just a little pinkness. i called the ped and she recommended homeopathic borax for the next two days and probiotic powder for the next week (for 'renzo) and probiotics for me as well. so this morning we ventured to whole foods. i'll keep everyone posted on how we heal up.

the more interesting part of the story is that while at whole foods r and i discovered that some woman left her two children in the car by themselves. 1) it's freakin' hot. 2) the kids were about 3 and 9 months old 3) the younger child was bawling his eyes out and when i went to his window he reached out for me to pick him up 4) it's freakin' hot 5) how dumb do you have to be??? so, i called 911 and the police came. they were there for a while before the lady finally returned from wherever she had been. all in all the kids were alone for at least 20 minutes! then, she has the gall to argue with the officer and say she does it all the time, they're fine! the officer called two more units and there was quite a scene. that was all i saw, i don't know if they took her kids or not. bah! some people!

the more interesting part of the story is that while at whole foods r and i discovered that some woman left her two children in the car by themselves. 1) it's freakin' hot. 2) the kids were about 3 and 9 months old 3) the younger child was bawling his eyes out and when i went to his window he reached out for me to pick him up 4) it's freakin' hot 5) how dumb do you have to be??? so, i called 911 and the police came. they were there for a while before the lady finally returned from wherever she had been. all in all the kids were alone for at least 20 minutes! then, she has the gall to argue with the officer and say she does it all the time, they're fine! the officer called two more units and there was quite a scene. that was all i saw, i don't know if they took her kids or not. bah! some people!