29 weeks

mr. baby weighs about 2.7 pounds and is 10.4 inches crown to rump (16.7 inches in total). he's been fairly active in the last couple of weeks and now i'm not so sure if he'll be early, right on time, or late (like i originally thought)! it's nutso crazy that any way you look at it he's going to be here soon. we see rosanna on friday and i'm sure i'll have more interesting stuff to say then.

in other news, i had the scariest moment of my parenting life. parker came up to me crying on friday, gagging and choking. i had no idea what she might have swallowed. she stuck her hands down her throat and eventually threw up a quarter. we were both hysterical. i realized that i don't know precisely how to heimlich a toddler and that if she hadn't gotten it up on her own she might well have died before help arrived. it was awful to realize that one moment like that could've changed the course of my/our entire life/lives. r and i are enrolling in a cpr class before the baby is born.