26 weeks and the computer gods are against me.

first baby news: mr. baby is almost 2 pounds, 9.2ish inches from crown to rump. i've gained about 18 pounds which is ideal at this point. we saw rosanna on friday and she was let parker take my blood pressure and r use the doppler to find the heartbeat. she measured me and i my uterus is measuring exactly on. she palpated my belly and was surprised (and excited) that she could already feel baby parts! two thirds of my pregnancy is over...omg!

also on friday, we interviewed a wonderful new pediatrician and decided to switch over to her. i feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of me as she is completely supportive of cosleeping, extended breastfeeding, and no/slow vax. imagine that, a supportive practitioner who believes that no one knows the child better than the parents.

in computer news: i got my laptop back and the printer went out. we spent 5ish hours troubleshooting and sent it away to be repaired. they can't. hp doesn't make replacement parts. meanwhile, my laptop screen went out. so i have to buy a new printer and have no idea what is going to happen with the laptop. damn.