when r and i found out we were pregnant we told parker right away. like, within minutes. we felt the more we talked about the baby the better used to the idea she would be when it actually arrived. it worked. she is baby obsessed. she carries her baby around singing to it, nursing it, changing it, and babbling to it on and on. she tells everyone about the baby. she reminds me daily that i'm going to have to push hard to get the baby out and then tells me that it's not time yet because the baby is still "tiny." she has completely gotten over her fear of doctors because she loves hearing her brother's heartbeat so much. she begs to watch baby shows every time we go over to my mom's house. she lifts up my shirt about a dozen times a day to hug and kiss my belly. "baby sleeping mama? kicking? swimming?" tonight she discovered that if she blows raspberries on my tummy she can get him to kick. every single time, without fail. i am SO glad we decided to have a second baby. i don't know if it's more exciting watching my belly grow or my daughter. she's going to be the best big sister.