so parker had this mysterious 6 hour stomach flu on tuesday. she wakes up, starving she says, and quickly eats two bowls of frosted shredded wheat (her favorite, she thinks it's the biggest treat ever). then she says her tummy hurts. and throws up. twice. her skin turns green and her lips grey and she falls asleep in r's arms for two hours. then she wakes up (her color is totally normal) and says: "hungry daddy." she goes on to eat a huge bowl of pasta and then some dry cheerios. and she's fine and that was the end of it. weirdo.
hmm, other than and p and i went to the fabric store yesterday and got yarn for mom to make the baby's "staying home from the hospital outfit." it's gonna be so cute, i can't wait to post it online! i also got some photo storage boxes and have undertaken the task of sorting and organizing all the photos taken since my birth. i'll scan and post some embarrasing ones of my parents/grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins/friends as soon as i get my laptop back. be on the lookout for one of yourself folks!
today i booked reservations for dad, maria, r, p and i to camp in yosemite the weekend after easter. i've never been and am SO excited. i just hope it isn't snowing!
mr. baby is doing fine, still laying with his head on my left and his feet on my right. it's a very odd sensation when he really gets kicking. i don't remember parker being anything but head down, feet in my ribs. i swear pregnancy gives people amnesia.
hmm, other than and p and i went to the fabric store yesterday and got yarn for mom to make the baby's "staying home from the hospital outfit." it's gonna be so cute, i can't wait to post it online! i also got some photo storage boxes and have undertaken the task of sorting and organizing all the photos taken since my birth. i'll scan and post some embarrasing ones of my parents/grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins/friends as soon as i get my laptop back. be on the lookout for one of yourself folks!
today i booked reservations for dad, maria, r, p and i to camp in yosemite the weekend after easter. i've never been and am SO excited. i just hope it isn't snowing!
mr. baby is doing fine, still laying with his head on my left and his feet on my right. it's a very odd sensation when he really gets kicking. i don't remember parker being anything but head down, feet in my ribs. i swear pregnancy gives people amnesia.