1) this summer i am going to be giving birth to a small male child, not a professional athlete. he will not, at least initially, need jerseys. or shirts with teddy bears holding footballs. i am also not giving birth to a tiny sailor or a tiny business man. most likely the three piece suit can wait until he's at least a year old. so can the super patriotic garb. in other words, why don't they just make normal baby boy clothes!?
2) r and i have decided not to circumcise our son. while this is not up for discussion, here is the reason why we will be skipping this procedure: current research shows that there are no compelling reasons for circumcision, not medical, psychological, hygenic or social. please visit this website for more information!
3) we plan to continue to cloth diaper, cosleep, breastfeed and eat organic food. this isn't some hippy "phase" we're going through. these are things we are committed to because we believe they are the right things for our family! please feel free to decide what's right for your families.
so, in the last six months or so we've donated bags and bags and bags of stuff to various different charities. a lot of the things we've given away have been baby clothes that are a little too ratty to store, stuffed animals and old toys that miss p has outgrown. when bagging stuff i tell parker that that her things are going to poor kids who are less fortunate than she is. she always very willingly parts with the bags. in fact, just now she brought me a deflated IHOP balloon and told me she wanted to give it to the "po kids."
2) r and i have decided not to circumcise our son. while this is not up for discussion, here is the reason why we will be skipping this procedure: current research shows that there are no compelling reasons for circumcision, not medical, psychological, hygenic or social. please visit this website for more information!
3) we plan to continue to cloth diaper, cosleep, breastfeed and eat organic food. this isn't some hippy "phase" we're going through. these are things we are committed to because we believe they are the right things for our family! please feel free to decide what's right for your families.
so, in the last six months or so we've donated bags and bags and bags of stuff to various different charities. a lot of the things we've given away have been baby clothes that are a little too ratty to store, stuffed animals and old toys that miss p has outgrown. when bagging stuff i tell parker that that her things are going to poor kids who are less fortunate than she is. she always very willingly parts with the bags. in fact, just now she brought me a deflated IHOP balloon and told me she wanted to give it to the "po kids."