not too much goin' on

this week has been fairly slow, as weeks go. on monday i had to take the cats (and parker) to the vet by myself which i am sure was quite a sight. imagine me (looking at least a little pregnant now) chasing the cats all over the house trying to corral them into their carrier and then wrestling almost 50 freaking pounds of cat & carrier to the car while trying to encourage parker to stay with me the whole time (with me parker, not under me!) r of course would have come with me but he had to help his parents with a sad matter: putting tobin (their 17 year old brittney spaniel) to sleep. she had a bad fall over the holidays and stopped eating completely.

other than that we're just getting ready for the big party on saturday! miss p is turning TWO tomorrow. HOLY CRAP! tomorrow we're taking her to kyoto palace (where they cook on the table) like we did last year so her daddy and auntie amanda can do saki bombs! you know traditional toddler party right?