16 weeks and happy birthday r

16 weeks pregnant: about 37% done! the baby weighs about 2.8 ounces and is over 4 inches from crown to rump. i was starting to worry yesterday about not feeling ANY movement all day long so this afternoon i had a sip of that yummy new black cherry vanilla coke. holy crap, the baby went nuts for about an hour afterwards. i guess things are okay in there! (i'll post the pic tomorrow, r ran off to work before taking my pic and i can't trust miss p with the camera!)

today is r's 24th birthday. we hung around, made a trip to home depot and then went out to dinner with my dad, maria, will, and will's friend rachel. we went to a nice mediterranean restaurant which we hadn't been to before. all in all a nice day except r had to go to work. bummer!