k, i really mean it this time.

well, we're leaving here in a little under an hour. parker is a little cranky but then again, so are r and i. none of us slept last night! we are SO excited! we had a nice pizza dinner last night with mom, grandma & grandpa, leslie, amanda & adam. parker didn't know which way to turn.

more interesting stuff to look at while we're gone:

post secret - "postsecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail-in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard." very cool. check for new secrets on sunday night.

kaleidoscope painter - "welcome to the applet that makes it easy for anyone to be a painter. just drag the mouse and watch what happens."

confessions from a former homosexual - there's hope for you too! *rolls eyes*

wacky christian website - now including "easy ways to ruin your life!" (al cohall, etc.)

weird crap dot com - "the gateway to weirdness on the web."

boohbah zone - don't ask...