sunday's suck around here because it's the beginning of r's week at work. he goes in at one and is generally home too late for dinner. today was different in that he has to do bar inventory with the managers after his shift. because LB is cheap they wanted him to work a split shift (to avoid having to pay him overtime). i went over to santana row at 4.30 to meet him for an early dinner while he had a break. when i got there he was visibly pissed and told me through clenched teeth that he was having the worst day. the mid bartender didn't show up and he couldn't leave until she got there. i talked to darren (r's coworker & yes, that is actually him) for a few minutes [him: they're using him. me: he's unable to say no. *dramatic pause* to anyone other than me. him: he says no to me all the time! me: right *grabs his ass*]. then parker and i decided to wait outside by the fountain until 5 and see if dinner would still be a possibility. honestly, i didn't think it would be so i was feeling pretty sorry for myself. as far as i'm concerned the only thing worth seeing or doing in santana row is evan (whose only known fault in 4 years is failing to return emails) and he is in wisconsin...the nerve. to my delight r got away for an hour and we had a nice dinner at pizza antica. r had a beer and felt much better. anyway, he won't be home until at least 1am, but i expect much later. bummer.
parker has started doing what r calls imaginative play (he's so smart!). she carries on both sides of a conversation with a baby doll or stuffed toy, pretending to feed or rock or clap for it. she's awfully young to be doing this and its really cool to see her language develop through this type of play. somehow i thought by having parker and watching her grow i would understand the aquisition of language. that is so not the case! as far as i'm concerned, it's magic.
i think my washing machine may be smarter than i am. it just beeped to tell me that "too many suds have been detected in the load" and that i may want to "consider using less detergent in the next wash." fine then! be that way.