so, not much to say about unpacking, since it's just unpacking really... things are progressing, slowly but surely.
we woke up AGAIN this morning to find ants in the house, this time in our bedroom closet. nothing like bending down to get a t-shirt and finding a million ants traipsing along the baseboards. why didn't they seal the house up properly??? i mean, it seems so basic to me. anyway, r sprayed pretty good and i haven't seen any lately but i have a sneaking suspicion that these are highly intelligent ants that come out only when they know we're sleeping. some days i feel like we're living in the "money pit." do i look like shelly long? *scratches head*
in other "big" house news: i called a few days sbc a few days ago to get a phone number and internet hooked up. i got a GREAT deal on dsl ($30 a month for both, yay!) and they connected the phone right away but for some reason we had no dial tone. so the guy comes out this morning and says, yeah, i hear a dial tone at the box but they didn't wire the jacks in the house. i called monique and tell her and she says that's right, we NEVER do! what??? you have got to be kidding me! they include the appliances, the electric, the jacks themselves but not the actual WIRE that costs maybe $0.10 a foot??? so great, the guy says it'll be about $250 to connect all three jacks and he's just the repair guy, to call sbc and set up an appointment. but i don't have a working phone! i wasn't looking forward to dragging my lazy butt down the street to mom's only to wait on hold with sbc for an appointment that probably won't happen until 7.30AM sometime next week. and then, an ANGEL shows up at our back door. he is the picture of scruffy: slightly overweight, unshaven, about our age, in other words a messenger from god. he came to turn on the dsl and r starts spewing our story to him. i have some extra time, if you don't mind going under the house and tugging on a wire... NO! WE DON'T MIND! so this kind celestial being takes 45 minutes out of his already busy day to install our phone lines, FOR FREE. he wouldn't even take any cash for his hard work. and when he was all done, he just disappeared into the hot hazy day...
one more thing, the guys FINALLY came and fixed our janky-ass retaining wall. but did they HAVE to come at 8 in the freakin' morning with their power saws and drills?
last night, we (parker and i, r had to work) had our first houseguest! evan came over and i got to cook dinner for the first time in my fantabulous new kitchen. parker kept dragging him back to her room to show him her turkles (turtles), baws (balls), and titties (kitties). we had a nice time and now i can't wait to do more entertaining. too bad i only have a few friends who are local...bah!
okay, on to child development news:
Do you mind? I'm on the phone!
parker seems to be getting over her stranger anxiety. it happened SO suddenly too. one days to was clingy and terrified of new people and the next, totally fine! when the guys came from the furniture store to deliver our bed, parker was all over it. when we go down to the pool, she's all over it. men? women? children? it ain't no thang!
today p confirmed what r and i have been suspecting for the last few months: the child has object permanence. the little booger came up to me saying "ball ball ball" and pointing at a wicker basket (that had a lid and she couldn't see into). i am SURE she didn't put a ball in there today. but sure enough, when i looked, there was a flourescent yellow bouncy ball. hey, how'd she do that?!
and finally, in literary news:
i finished the bradbury book. it was definately a worthwhile read but i think i liked the parts better that the whole. does that make sense?
anyway, now i am reading anais nin's "henry and june":
we woke up AGAIN this morning to find ants in the house, this time in our bedroom closet. nothing like bending down to get a t-shirt and finding a million ants traipsing along the baseboards. why didn't they seal the house up properly??? i mean, it seems so basic to me. anyway, r sprayed pretty good and i haven't seen any lately but i have a sneaking suspicion that these are highly intelligent ants that come out only when they know we're sleeping. some days i feel like we're living in the "money pit." do i look like shelly long? *scratches head*
in other "big" house news: i called a few days sbc a few days ago to get a phone number and internet hooked up. i got a GREAT deal on dsl ($30 a month for both, yay!) and they connected the phone right away but for some reason we had no dial tone. so the guy comes out this morning and says, yeah, i hear a dial tone at the box but they didn't wire the jacks in the house. i called monique and tell her and she says that's right, we NEVER do! what??? you have got to be kidding me! they include the appliances, the electric, the jacks themselves but not the actual WIRE that costs maybe $0.10 a foot??? so great, the guy says it'll be about $250 to connect all three jacks and he's just the repair guy, to call sbc and set up an appointment. but i don't have a working phone! i wasn't looking forward to dragging my lazy butt down the street to mom's only to wait on hold with sbc for an appointment that probably won't happen until 7.30AM sometime next week. and then, an ANGEL shows up at our back door. he is the picture of scruffy: slightly overweight, unshaven, about our age, in other words a messenger from god. he came to turn on the dsl and r starts spewing our story to him. i have some extra time, if you don't mind going under the house and tugging on a wire... NO! WE DON'T MIND! so this kind celestial being takes 45 minutes out of his already busy day to install our phone lines, FOR FREE. he wouldn't even take any cash for his hard work. and when he was all done, he just disappeared into the hot hazy day...
one more thing, the guys FINALLY came and fixed our janky-ass retaining wall. but did they HAVE to come at 8 in the freakin' morning with their power saws and drills?
last night, we (parker and i, r had to work) had our first houseguest! evan came over and i got to cook dinner for the first time in my fantabulous new kitchen. parker kept dragging him back to her room to show him her turkles (turtles), baws (balls), and titties (kitties). we had a nice time and now i can't wait to do more entertaining. too bad i only have a few friends who are local...bah!
okay, on to child development news:
Do you mind? I'm on the phone!
parker seems to be getting over her stranger anxiety. it happened SO suddenly too. one days to was clingy and terrified of new people and the next, totally fine! when the guys came from the furniture store to deliver our bed, parker was all over it. when we go down to the pool, she's all over it. men? women? children? it ain't no thang!
today p confirmed what r and i have been suspecting for the last few months: the child has object permanence. the little booger came up to me saying "ball ball ball" and pointing at a wicker basket (that had a lid and she couldn't see into). i am SURE she didn't put a ball in there today. but sure enough, when i looked, there was a flourescent yellow bouncy ball. hey, how'd she do that?!
and finally, in literary news:
i finished the bradbury book. it was definately a worthwhile read but i think i liked the parts better that the whole. does that make sense?
anyway, now i am reading anais nin's "henry and june":
i have no fear of God, and yet fear keeps me awake at night, fear of the devil. and if i believe in the devil, i must believe in God. and if evil is abhorrent to me, i must be a saint.
henry, save me from beatification, from the horrors of static perfection. precipitate me into the inferno.