"Never raise your hands to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected."
~Red Buttons
r had the whole weekend free so we made the most of it and headed down to monterey on saturday afternoon. my dad's band was playing down there at sly mcfly's which allows minors so we went for it! we stayed in a tacky little motel with a king sized bed and a fireplace (which we actually used). we checked in around 7 and were down at cannery row by 8. walking down there made me miss tony like crazy-we stopped and read the plaques about the sicilian fishermen than imigrated forever ago...anyway, we ate a nice meal and listened to the music until parker couldn't take it anymore. (the band was GREAT!) on sunday we all had brunch in carmel and spent a while at the beach. sometimes i just cannot believe that we live in such an amazing part of the country.

The chocolate love affair came on vacation with us.

With papa at the beach.
~Red Buttons
r had the whole weekend free so we made the most of it and headed down to monterey on saturday afternoon. my dad's band was playing down there at sly mcfly's which allows minors so we went for it! we stayed in a tacky little motel with a king sized bed and a fireplace (which we actually used). we checked in around 7 and were down at cannery row by 8. walking down there made me miss tony like crazy-we stopped and read the plaques about the sicilian fishermen than imigrated forever ago...anyway, we ate a nice meal and listened to the music until parker couldn't take it anymore. (the band was GREAT!) on sunday we all had brunch in carmel and spent a while at the beach. sometimes i just cannot believe that we live in such an amazing part of the country.

The chocolate love affair came on vacation with us.

With papa at the beach.